Challenging Seasons

I hadn’t planned to write this post today, but all morning I‘ve had little nudges from the universe telling me I need to share this. So here I am, listening to that guidance.

Perhaps you're navigating some challenging personal circumstances and unsure how to show up in your business during this season. 

It is okay if you have a day, week, month, year where you don’t feel like going at it 120% and smashing your goals. 

You are a human, not a robot, you are not supposed to be growing all the time. Rest is an evolutionary essential and you need rest in order to recover from challenging times. 

During challenging times, the key is to make intentional plans for your business from a place of love and safety, not fear. 

This is the work I love doing with my clients, because it's not always easy-breezy, smashing it all the time. Sometimes life throws a massive curve ball, but our circumstances don't need to determine what happens to our businesses, we get to be intentional, compassionate and kind during this time. This is how we stand in our power.

In my experience, when I come out the other side of recovery, ironically I see there is growth in those rest periods. I have built trust with myself, I didn't push or force myself to do anything, instead I listened to myself, stabilized and I made sure the essentials got done. Taking a break can bring a lot of clarity. 

Challenging times don't mean the shutters have to be down if you don’t want them to. You could reduce your working days, you could reshare old projects and content if you want to remain visible, you could outsource and so on

Give yourself permission to rest, to be peaceful, to sit with and honour what you’re going through and make space for the discomfort, so you can move through the discomfort.

Journalling prompts for challenging seasons:

What tasks or activities are essential for my business today?

How can I support myself in the process of carrying out the essential tasks? (e.g more time, taking breaks, asking for help)

What can I take off my plate? (Be really honest here)

What tasks am I telling myself is essential, when deep down I know it isn’t really ‘essential’?

Why am I telling myself these non essential tasks, are essential?

Why am I struggling to take non essentials off my plate?

Is there anything I outsource/ delegate? 

Do I want to take a day/week/month off?

Is there a way I can financially support myself so I can take time off (get clear on numbers, look at ingoings and outgoings, what's owed)

****Remember these questions come from a place of love and curiosity not self judgement.

I’m sending you all the encouragement during this tricky season, you may also find some comfort in my blog post about the 50/50.
If you need support during this season I would love to help guide you through this time, you can Book a Clarity Consultation with me and we can see if you are a good fit for coaching



