
Getting clear on the kind of clients and brands you really want to work with can feel scary. Your brain will tell you that getting specific isn’t a good idea because you will appeal to less people and this will reduce your chances of success. In my experience, the opposite is true. 

When you start making intentional choices about where you want to position your creative business and the kind of clients you want to work with, things will start to feel aligned and fun. You will start getting more commissions and clients and there will be a sense of ease.

VS when you try to speak to everyone, you end up speaking to no one, your work is unlikely to resonate with many people at all because it’s too general. 

What kind of work do you truly want to be creating and who do you want to be creating it for? Listen to your gut. What feels fun? 

When you are in alignment you can create your own unique space, this is magnetic and you will begin to attract your dream clients.

Start to zero in on those dream clients. Speak to them with the work that you're putting out into the world, get specific in your messaging, refine your style, edit your portfolio and be intentional. 

Give yourself permission steer the ship and maybe you are about to go in a new direction, you may have outgrown your original intentions a dreams, take the time to re- align with your purpose and decide where you want to go next with your business.

Your art is not supposed to please everyone.

Prompts to get clarity around your vision:

  • How could you tweak and refine your portfolio, messaging and website to align with the clients you want to be working with (just tweak one thing at a time)?

  • Where do you want your work to be seen? 

  • Who do you really want to work with?

  • Who do you need to become in order to bring your vision to life? 

    If you love this and you’re ready to start building a life that your future self will thank you for, you can Book a Clarity Consultation with me. You just need to be curious and excited to take it to the next level!


Challenging Seasons

