Misaligned Projects

As a creative, you’re driven by passion, vision, and a desire to continuously elevate your work. You’re not just creating for today, you’re building a future where your art, design, or creative services resonate with bigger, better brands and audiences. But there’s a common trap that many of us fall into, one that keeps us from reaching that next level: Saying yes out of fear.

The Allure of the Quick Fix

You’ve probably been there: You’re on the brink of something new, an opportunity to up-level your career and take on projects that truly excite you. But just as you’re about to take that leap, a project or commission comes in. It’s not quite what you’re aiming for, but it’s work. It’s money. It feels like a safety net, a quick fix that can tide you over until the bigger opportunities come in. And so, you say yes.

It feels like the responsible thing to do. After all, who wants to turn down work? But here’s the truth: when you say yes to projects that don’t align with your vision, you’re actually saying no to the growth you’re seeking.

Why Fear Holds Us Back

Fear is a powerful motivator. It convinces us that we need to take every opportunity that comes our way because the next one might not be there. Fear whispers that if we don’t say yes now, we might miss out or, worse, fail. But this fear-based decision-making keeps us stuck in a cycle of mediocrity.

When you consistently take on work that doesn’t align with where you want to go, you send a message to yourself—and to the universe—that you’re okay with staying where you are. This isn’t just about turning down a project; it’s about turning down the potential for growth, the chance to up-level, and the opportunity to work with brands and clients that truly excite you.

The Power of Strategic Yeses

The solution isn’t to burn it all down or to reject every project that comes your way. Instead, it’s about being selective, mindful, and intentional with your yeses. Ask yourself: Does this project align with where I want to go? Will it help me move the needle toward bigger, better opportunities? Or is it just another distraction, keeping me comfortably stuck in the status quo?

By being strategic with your choices, you create space for the opportunities that will actually propel you forward. You start to build a portfolio, a client list, and a body of work that reflects the direction you want to go, not the direction you’re afraid to leave behind.

Trusting the Process

Up-leveling your creative career requires trust—trust in yourself, trust in your vision, and trust that the right opportunities will come when you’re ready for them. It’s about pausing, choosing wisely, and aligning your actions with the future you’re working towards.

This doesn’t mean that you won’t face challenges or that every decision will be easy. But by consciously deciding to prioritize projects that align with your goals, you set yourself up for long-term success. You tell the universe, and yourself, that you’re serious about your growth.

Final Thoughts: Take Action Now

If you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or uncertain about your next steps, it might be time to reassess your approach. Are you saying yes to projects out of fear, or are you choosing work that truly aligns with your vision?

Ready to up-level your career? I’m offering a limited number of 1:1 Clarity Calls for creatives who are serious about growth. During this session, we’ll explore your goals and identify key opportunities to elevate your business. This call will also help us determine if you’re the right fit for 1:1 coaching. If you're ready to align your actions with your vision, let’s see if we can make it happen together. Book your Clarity Call here

Remember, your next level is within reach—choose wisely, align boldly, and trust the process.


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