Slow It Down

Taking action from a place of force and willpower will consume a lot of energy, this will have you starting lots of things, thrashing around and not achieving very much. I’ve done it and I can confirm, its not fun or sustainable. 

However if you slow it down, go deeper, connect to your internal guidance and then take intentional action you will start to get totally different results. It’s a big energy shift, you’re moving from uncertainty to calm and committed.

You will get to where you want to go faster if you slow down

It may sound counterintuitive to slow down in order to create more of what you want, but to create any kind of change in your life we need to first slow it down and root yourself into your intuition and intention and then start taking action.

Working at speed is exhausting, you start saying yes to everything that comes your way (whether it aligns with your goals or not). Then you end up in a state of overwhelm and confusion.

It sounds logical that doing more = more, but you’re likely to end up with more of what you don't want, because the actions you’re taking are coming from fear. 

Slowing down requires you to become present, when you’re in the present moment you can access your creativity and you can begin to understand the challenges that you’re coming up against, when you sit with the challenges the solutions will begin to emerge.

Here are my 6 steps to Slowing it down to speed it it up:

  1. Meet yourself where you are, accept the situation and reassure yourself that if this was easy everyone would be doing it. 

  2. Dedicate time to daily grounding practices each day e.g meditation, journaling, walks, breathwork etc (you’ll be surprised how much insight can arise during or after these practices)

  3. Direct your energy to the things that are going to move the needle (and let go of all the things that don’t!) Now list out everything you want to do. Pritoitise, edit, don’t be afraid to remove things from this list.

  4. Break down every task left on your to do list into small chunks and put each task on your calendar, allocate times and the duration for each task 

  5. Trust that this is all figureoutable

  6. The key bit - take action by following the steps on your calendar 

Enjoy going slow and the clarity that can emerge from this,
If you would love to dive deeper into this work you can learn more about how we can work together 1 to 1 by booking a free clarity call with me here 



Create your own success

