The Compound Effect

We are going to delve into the concept of the compound effect and the magical interplay between your thoughts and actions and the universe. 

When it comes to growing a creative business, the magic lies in the little things, it's a bit like sculpting.  Each day presents an opportunity to show up and skillfully chip away at the metaphorical block of marble, whilst these daily actions may not seem like a big deal at the time, they quietly accumulate, forming the foundation of an impactful masterpiece - this is the compound effect.

The compound effect is the magic that happens when those seemingly trivial daily actions accumulate over time. It's not about effort, it's about the transformation that occurs in the silent interplay of consistent aligned action, resulting in the emergence of something impactful. 

Trust is essential when it comes to the compound effect, because it can feel a lot like showing up everyday with no applause and that feels ROUGH, friends. 

Trust and belief is going to be your guiding force on this creative journey!
Trusting and believing in the compound effect means recognising that your actions will lead to meaningful results.
I see the universe as a silent collaborator its working behind the scenes aligning circumstances and presenting opportunities that align with your business vision. 

As you stay connected to your intention the universe will reward you with all kinds of exciting and hard to explain synchronicities where opportunities start to materialise circumstances align and like minded individuals enter your orbit 

It's as if the universe is saying hey I'm here, tell me what you need, take action and I will meet you halfway. 

In the world of creativity I believe that the compound effect is the enchanting force that turns daily intention and actions into beautiful of business growth.  This does require patience. Remember, when you see others “overnight successes” they really are rarely “overnight”, you just didn't see the years of showing up consistently, enduring trial and error. Showing up constantly and learning from our actions and attempts always pays off, if you are willing to be patient and trust in the process.

It can be really helpful to track all the progress you’re making. It’s so easy to forget to acknowledge and celebrate the small steps, so I like to create a “Planting seeds journal”. Lots of the actions that you will be taking will not yield an immediate result, so we want to remind ourselves and highlight what we have planted and where! These is a great exercise because you ned to remind your brain that you are making progress.

How to create your own ‘Planting Seeds’ journal

  1. Set bitesize goals
    It’s the small things that add up to the big things. Each day write down what you want to achieve, be really intentional here don’t just write things for the sake of writing things.

  2. Start a journal
    At the end of each day jot down all of the steps you have taken which move you closer to your goal, also write down how you felt before you took the step, during and after you took the step.

  3. Reflect, track your progress
    At the end of each week reflect on your journal entries. How have those small daily actions contributed to your creative business growth? You can even create a visual timeline to represent your daily accomplishments. This visual aid will really showcase the cumulative effect of your consistent creative actions.

  4. Celebrate!
    It is essential to celebrate your successes no matter how big or small! Completing a week of constant creativity is an achievement, you are moving closer to building the creative business of your dreams

If you are curious about 1:1 coaching with me and you would love to dive deeper into this work you can book a clarity call with me here I can’t wait to meet you!




Leverage your passion


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