
There is no such thing as a good or bad decision.
If you feel like you are living in limbo and never really choosing what is happening in your life, that might be because you have a whole stack of unmade decisions piling up.  

Decision making can feel weighty. When we strip it right back, a decision is just a case of making a conscious choice and committing to it. All decisions are neutral, so there are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ decisions, it’s our thinking which determines if we believe it is either good or bad. 

Making decisions is what propels us forward, so if you're feeling stuck, this might be the reason why. When you think about it, even if the result of the decision hasn't worked out, it has still moved you forward as you can use the result as feedback and can try something new. Whereas when we do nothing there is no growth. 

Why do we avoid making decisions?

We avoid making decisions for many reasons, our brains offer us a myriad of excuses to keep us in confusion. 

We look to our past for information and tell ourselves we made bad choices, sometimes it is because we are afraid of making a mistake, we tell ourselves we don’t know how to do it, it could go wrong, it's safer to think on it for a bit longer etc. So we end up in limbo never deciding.

Another reason for not making decisions is because we are afraid of how we might feel once we commit - we create those feelings with the way we think about a decision, and if we manage our minds effectively we can be in full control of that when we manage our minds.

When we stop making conscious choices in our lives this causes us to lose momentum as decision making is what propels us forward.

5 steps to making that decision

1. What do you want to decide on?

Pick a decision that's been niggling for a while and write it down

2. List all the options
Don’t just list one or two possibilities, get  really curious and explorative aim to come up with a minimum of four different things you could do.  

3.Write your worries and fears feelings around making this decision
Notice if you are thinking there is a right or wrong decision here. Are you playing around with good or bad? Are you delaying deciding? Why?

4.What are the obstacles/challenges to this decision?
How will you overcome them? (Think about what you might be tempted to believe instead as time goes by.)

5. Make a choice 
This is where you make your decision. Just choose something and consciously commit. Commit to having your own back regardless of the outcome. Remember, you can ALWAYS re-decide.

The more decisions you make consciously the better you will become at it, the more decisions you make the more you make the more effective changes you make in your life.

Making a decision moves you forward, it’s not passive, its an active conscious choice, 

By not making a decision you are disappointing yourself, but the ironic thing is you are likely disappointed anyway because we know we want to make a decision so we can move forward and make changes in our life, so we end up disappointed anyway.

What are you willing to decide today which will take you in the direction you want to go?

If you’re feeling stuck and struggling to commit to a decision, I can help you! Book you’re free mini session here


Your ‘Why’

