Your ‘Why’

When your know your ‘why’ your ‘what’ becomes powerful.

I’m a coach, that is what I do, but the key to success in any business is knowing why you do it.

I’m a coach because I want to Inspire creative people, to show them that they do not have to suffer for their art, being an artist is a blessing not a curse, it can be fun and it can be wildly profitable too, I want to do this because I caused myself a lot of suffering for a lot of years, because I was believing my limiting thoughts about what it means to be an artist. This is my ‘why’

When I come back to my ‘why’ I feel rooted and powerful and I know exactly how to serve my clients. 

This is because I know I am accessing my true purpose, my lived experience lead me to want to help other creatives.

If I was just living into my ‘coach’ role with no ‘why’ I would become a cookie cutter coach and few people would want to work with me.

It’s very difficult to believe in the immense value that you can bring your clients when you don’t know your reason for doing it.
This is like building a house with no foundations.

When you don’t believe in the value you can offer, clients pick up on this. You are also likely to hide and wait for the work to come to you rather than going out and making it happen.

Think about it, when I ask you ‘what’ you do, how does that feel? When I ask you ‘why’ you do it, what comes up for you?

A Compelling Reason

Running a business requires us to do the exact opposite of what your brain is wired to do, which is to avoid pain, seek pleasure and to be efficient. Instead, as creative business owners we are risking rejection, feeling discomfort, learning new things and failing on the reg.

This is where knowing your ‘why’ comes in. The clearer you are about why you want to run your creative business, the more commitment you’ll have, and the more motivated you will be to keep showing up everyday, you’ll be able to continue through rejections, obstacles and failure

Your why is your compelling reason. A compelling reason is thought that is powerful enough for us to take action, it is powerful because of the feeling that thought generates, and those feelings drive our actions, and our actions create our results. 

Your ‘why’ is connected to something that you really value, it makes you feel something which drives you to get it done.

My Why

- To Inspire creative people, to show them that they do not have to suffer for their art, being an artist is a blessing not a curse, it can be fun and it can be wildly profitable too

- Consciously design the life and career that I want, there are no rules, only values 

- Create space freedom in my life, so get to choose how I spend my time 

- Inspire others to create and share their work in the world 

How to figure out your ‘Why’

1) List x25 things you want in your life, this will open your capacity to want, challenge yourself, ask why you want what it would mean in your life, and keep asking questions and keep digging, this will help you to uncover your why. (This doesn't need to be a huge, deep reason - it can change from from week to week, it is important to know what your why is right now, it can always change)

2) What is your overarching, compelling reason for creating/ running your business 

3) Describe your desire to set up/ run your business. Then, describe your commitment to run a business.
For example: I desire to have work/life balance, inspire people, do work I love. I am committed to the process of growing by business, knowing that my commitment doesn’t waiver based on my circumstances, obstacles, doubts, or failures that come up.

If you want to uncover your ‘Why’, I can help you! Book you’re free mini session here


Write a new story

