t's easy to get stuck in a loop of procrastinating and instant gratification. We have lovely instagram, online shopping, Whatsapp and tons of things at our fingertips that can distract us, give us a quick dopamine hit and make us feel better (momentarily).
Sell your Art
I have coached a lot of creatives and I’ve noticed there is a fundamental thing that a lot of people are missing in their businesses, they aren’t giving people the opportunity to work with them. Are you letting people know that they can buy your art or service?
Deep Knowing
I believe we all have a deep knowing of what we are called to do in life. But, we bury it, until we can’t ignore it anymore. We spend so much time trying to control ourselves and we censor our dreams and desires
Things are not broken they are being transformed. Life is about experiencing all of the emotions, joy, pain, excitement, fear and everything in between. Sometimes things just really suck and sometimes everything in life is bloody great, and that is all part of the Yin and Yang of life.
Do you ever find that you come up with your best ideas when you’re in the shower?
This is because you are giving your brain some space, there's no phone in the shower, there's no laptop, no kindle, no book
Write a new story
Is your mind focused on the past or the future? When we define ourselves by our past it keeps us in the past, and limits our future too, but what if you could rewrite the story of your past so you can focus on creating a brand new future?
Your ‘Why’
I’m a coach, that is what I do, but the key to success in any business is knowing why you do it. I’m a coach because I want to Inspire creative people, to show them that they do not have to suffer for their art
Creation vs Consumption
What is your relationship with Creating vs Consuming when it comes to your business? When we consume we are taking in information, we are bringing something from the outside in. When we create, we are putting something from the inside out.
Imposter Syndrome
I was recently asked by a client how you ‘get rid’ of imposter syndrome. I’ve tried to banish Imposter syndrome many times in the past, but now, I believe that getting to know it is way more effective than trying to resist and deny it.
Last week I had a bloody big fail.
Something great came from it, I realised I had been avoiding failure for quite some time.
I had been telling myself a big lie.